Name ingame/RL :Havent decided yet/Fredrik
got vent?Yepp
got mic?Yepp
got life?Not right now
past servers/ clans:SwedishCircle and Carnage on xigenon pre KE and some other randoms clan on xig. On cwest i were in BBP, RaH and Vicarious.
how many years have u played ko? Ive been playing on and off since xigenon came out. So i guess i have played ko for like 7 years.
why do u wanna join the clan?Im looking for an active clan with skilled members and i have some friends that is already in the clan.
will u be able to buy prem?Yepp
HOW ACTIVE WILL U BE DAILY?Since im unemployed ill be playing ALOT, probably something like 12-16 hours a day for the first weeks.
got vent?Yepp
got mic?Yepp
got life?Not right now
past servers/ clans:SwedishCircle and Carnage on xigenon pre KE and some other randoms clan on xig. On cwest i were in BBP, RaH and Vicarious.
how many years have u played ko? Ive been playing on and off since xigenon came out. So i guess i have played ko for like 7 years.
why do u wanna join the clan?Im looking for an active clan with skilled members and i have some friends that is already in the clan.
will u be able to buy prem?Yepp
HOW ACTIVE WILL U BE DAILY?Since im unemployed ill be playing ALOT, probably something like 12-16 hours a day for the first weeks.